Whoops! Orlando Bloom just got caught checking out Kim Kardashian‘s booty!
Orlando and his wife Katy Perry stepped out on Monday night in New York City to attend
the Kering Foundation’s Caring for Women Dinner — but the actor had his eyes on the wrong woman!
In photos captured at the event, the Pirates of the Caribbean star escorted the pop singer through a crowd of people past the reality star. And while his hand was resting on Katy’s backside, his eyes were staring RIGHT at Kimmy Kakes’ legendary tush! He was even smirking through it all! LOLz!
Thankfully, Orlando and Katy made up for it while on the red carpet by showing off lots of PDA. Look:

Cute! And we can’t really fault him for looking at Kim’s booty. We would, too! But still… he better watch his eye line much more carefully next time — especially when surrounded by so many cameras. Ha!!